Saturday 9 August 2008

10 AUGUST 2008 ~

OFFICIALY 15! yeeppa :D
dont know what to say. well my parents dont make any parties for me *cus i refused =P*
and their present for me is MONEY, not THING =x but its okay for me.
should i buy Mimi MP3 (mp3 that shaped lyk Mickey Mouse), new shoes (fyi, i just have a pair of shoes, believe it or not. yeap, the one that i use for school), or what..?
btw, 15 is Super Junior! (incuding cumi and henry xD) hehe

i just found EunHyuk's YouTube profile xD
everything's written in Hangul, i just understand a bit
i count this as a present too.

GYAHA~ ellora/onnyura made a b-day topic in SHINeendonesia for me! xD
*teary eyes* *happy* aaah this is my first b-day topic EVER! :)

yesterday i treated Achie, Mamai, and Ferty for cinema, The Dark Night *a psychopatic Joker's film >> yea, i think the film is JOKER's, not Batman's*
well, it was just 5k each, but still~ :P and i think i miscounted the amount.
i should give Ferty 5k tomorrow.
tomorrow = SHITTY PHYSICS HOMEWORK, and MATH TEST *but maybe that silly Mr.Eri will cancel it again coz the first hour is going to be used for flag ceremony*
*for him, that's an enough reason*


Saturday 12 July 2008

hodong and taemin .. ?

god. i think i just saw something creepy.. but also hilarious. xD
love taemin's expression! and boom expression.. lyk.. say, he's jealous? xDDD

credit: asianfanatics + ridha@shineendonesia +

Monday 7 July 2008

7th death. geez.

am i die? yes, youre die, zee.
once again.

yappp. once again, zee, your crush knows that you have a crush on him.
aaahhha~ feels like cat.
first crush, he knew, me die.
second crush, he knew, LUCKILY this time he became my boyfriend. :PP
but then.. again..
third crush, he knew, my second death.
fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth crush (now)..
i died, died, died..
i died seven times.
so i have only 2 souls more in my bank.

ps: i have many crushes, i know.
but i only write those who take/took/taken the 1st place in my heart. nyahha~

Monday 23 June 2008

suju members said that henry is..

[i added my comments :PP]

Kang In : Benar-benar anak yang sopan. Sangat rendah hati.
makasih.. xD *ditampol henry & kangin*
Lee Teuk : Umur Henry yang paling muda, masih suka malu-malu.
Han Geng : Sesama saudara dari Cina. Aku harap kalian bisa mencintainya sama dengan kalian mencintai aku.
Kyu Hun : Akhirnya kita bertambah satu orang yang bisa diajak masak nasi goreng Beijing.

... no komen bang. ;P kalo udh jadi bagi ya.
Hee Chul : Aku masih menganggap diriku yang paling cantik.
NICE ONE, heenim! xD
Shiwon : Henry harus berusaha keras. Bahasa Mandarinnya masih lebih parah daripada aku.
hoo.. pantesan di acara itu [lupa namanya] henry nulis pake alfabet mulu.. bari yg laen gagayaan nulis pake pinyin. :D
Dong Hae : Dengan hadirnya Henry, tugas kami di Cina akan kami jalani dengan penuh percaya diri!
Eunhyuk : Menurut kalian, siapa yang lebih cantik antara Zhoumi dan Henry ?
ga da yang cantik. cumi ganteng, henry ucul.
Yesung : Mereka berdua sama-sama berjuang! Semangat ya!
Kibum : Henry, kau harus mengajariku bermain biola!
Ryewook : Baru kali ini aku bertemu dengan orang yang pemalu seperti HENRY !

.. bang ryeowook ga ngerasa kalo sendirinya kek gitu yha?

Credit : + Flawless Indo + +

Thursday 19 June 2008

jackets + clothes!

omona. i found another design and i want to make it too! xDD guess what.. that is *ta-da* KEY'S BLUE OUTFIT [yeah, complete with that bra-strap thingie. hahah].

but im not sure with that bra strap cuz maybe it will be easily teared off. :P but still, the design in <3!

well. for this time i wont offer mamai and ve cuz im sure they'll refuse this one. what's the meaning of 'SHINee' for them, anyways? > but SHINee for me: a bunch of husbands. xDDD *slapped*

ps: hari ini gue bolos ARTIVI a.k.a. bolos sekolah. haha mampus biarin ah, sebodo teuing, da bokap udah ngebolehin.

ARTIVI day one.

tiring artiloe [this year, the name is artivi cuz the theme is ‘television’]. honestly, i hate it soooo muchie. comparing to the 2009's artiloe [last year], this is soooo freakin TERRIBLE, from the less preparing time, weirddd theme they chose, etc etc.

WELL. the artivi itself is VERY UNIMPORTANT or you usually call it GEJE in indonesian. temporary gallery at the corridor [which made us spend hours just to make the wall], boring film-making tutorial [for me it more looks like a Pond’s Flawless White promotion to schools], and the worst: please welcome our lovely KANJUT KANST who think they have 100000% right to rule us, by not allowing us to go [and treat us like prisoners in azkaban] and make us like birdies in cage, and there’s two KANST guarding the gate while DATING? oh please.

gotta remember this is STILL THE FIRST DAY. omg.
and by the way, i want to stay at home tomorrow. DONT HELL CARE WITH THAT BBUNDAEGI.
sorry, classmates.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

quote of the day.

the past is unforgotten.
even if we want to erase the memories,
we have to remember that life is no sheets of paper.
we can heal the bad feeling, but we cant throw the memories away.
by zee. pathetic lame silly lil girl. definitely a big liar.